44 Squadron Members
This page contains information and tools that will be important to our cadets. Stay informed by becoming familiar with the content of this page and check it, regularly, for changes and updates.
Where to Find Information
In addition to this page, the best places to check for more information, are:
The Calendar page (located on the menu bar at the top of this page)
The Resources page
Google Classroom (instructions for joining it are on the Training page)
If you aren't sure about something, go to the Contact Us page to find out who you can ask for help.
The Adult Team
To find out who the adults working with the Squadron are, check out the "About Us" page
Get Excused from an Activity
Cadets not able to attend an activity - including Regular Training Nights - are to tell us using the Report An Absence form.
Sign Up for an Activity
Periodically, an activity will be planned that will require cadets to sign up. Details about the activity and the sign up form will be placed here. Examples include:
weekend training activity
gliding familiarization flight
community service event
This part is still under construction
Squadron Standing Orders
This document outlines most of the policies and procedures specific to the squadron, as determined by the Commanding Officer. They do NOT supersede any policy or procedure of the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers, but serve to clarify or augment them.
This document is constantly under review. The current version is valid as of: 2021
Visit the Training page for information and support regarding our Training program, which includes:
weekly Regular Training Nights
training opportunities on other weeknights or during the weekend
summer training opportunities
Supply - Everything to do with Uniforms
Visit the Supply page for information and support regarding the cadet uniform